White Sands National Park, New Mexico- Puppy Birthday photos

Murphy and Conner turned 5 and 6 this year!  One of their favorite places is white sands (when it's not windy!) they love playing and digging so because i make them take birthday photos, i thought playing after would be a good treat! Usually these stinkers don't smile this big for so long (i think they wanted to just play and get them over with!) but i love how they turned out. 

To show you what it's like to photograph my two cuties, there's a short behind the scenes video of their shoot! 


They're really good boys, but when you see big smiles, know that i struggle too ;) i got lucky with them being smiley this time. in the past they have looked seriously grouchy. i take what i can get. they're my babies so no matter i think they're adorable!

Did you know you can follow murphy and conner on fb! just follow this link! They're thinking about starting an instagram too. but they're not sure yet! for now you can purchase their prints here

I hope you enjoyed seeing a few images and how it looks to take those! 

-Shanna Star... and murphy and conner too