Couples Boudoir by the beach
I have wanted to shoot more couples boudoir and had the opportunity on one of my recent trips. What's even better was, it was the husband surprising his wife with this shoot. (Only her and I decided he needed to be in them too!)
I have always said I love boudoir, spending time with a woman and her leaving not only beautiful for a day but empowered and seeing herself in a new light. she's enough, filled with confidence, and tends to walk a littler taller. Add in a husband and you get passion, renewing sparks, and appreciation for your spouse. It was beautiful seeing him watch his wife and say how lucky he is. I wanted to shoot these a little darker so you can feel their emotion and I love how they turned out. Here's a few favorites!
“To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.”― Federico García Lorca
Keep Shining
Shanna Star