13th Birthday Photoshoot!

 13th Birthday Photoshoot!

Such a sweet gift for this 13 year old’s birthday! A photoshoot and stay in Inlet Beach, Florida! They did perfect picking cute outfits and we headed to the beach to celebrate with this session! (and yes i did make the cute mamas take photos too!)

It was such a fun evening and they did AMAZING!

inlet beach 13 year old birthday photoshoot
30a birthday photoshoot
birthday photoshoot
30a birthday photoshoot
30a birthday photographer beach
beach birthday photoshoot 30a
13 year old birthday beach photoshoot
cute inlet beach beach birthday photo session
13 year old 30a birthday
30a birthday photos
beach birthday photos!
13 year old birthday bash on the beach
birthday photoshoot on the beach florida
fun birthday photoshoot on the beach rosemary beach