beautiful friends.
what a great way to spend a day!
a day driving out to lake Mead followed by some photos at dominique and danette's house= perfection. These two girls have been such a blessing to have as friends since moving to las vegas. They make me feel so welcome and anytime i feel lonely i feel so encouraged and loved again. that's not meant to sound sad! ha. also I need to mention how fricken talented they are? yup. you've heard of danette in previous posts... and can see the Amberlight Collective Blog here. BUT Dominique is also full of mad talent, she's an amazing drummer! So here's the first post dedicated to their beauty. the next post.. will also show them, but a bit more silly, so stay tuned!
Dominique is first here. and like always looking gorgeous. it's a really tough life for these two.. being so cute.
And these next two, i realize are the same photo, but i couldn't decide does she look better in black and white or color!? either way, still fabulous.
Below is Danette! she was actually shooting another friend who was there too! so i got this smile while she was laughing at Lauren. i've learned so much from her. awww right?

And these next few of Danette is her being.. herself which is crazy! Love her for that. It was so much fun! Danette thought to buy all of these props and we went into her backyard and shot for a bit. actually a photo from this day that Danette took is on a nice big canvas at her house. (and an 8x10 in my bathroom.. since i'm only allowed one pink room in the house) This day was so much fun because we spent most of the day just hanging out, on a mission to shoot but before we could we got to put on some fake eyelashes too! It was my first time wearing fake eyelashes, and i'm now in LOVE. Proof-- ask anyone i work with, i tend to take photos of bride's eyelashes, especially if they're fake!
And one more of Dominique!
I couldn't wait to share some photos a little different from what i usually do! Don't forget i'll be sharing more of these two (and more friends!) next post when we shot out at the dry lake bed.
random piece of info, got my living room painted today, BE READY for some decorating updates. SUPER CUTE. happy wednesday!
If you have any places in Las Vegas you love shooting at, please share! i'd love to try something different!
Shanna Magnuson