Happy Tuesday! For weeks, i've been writing favorite things i've been finding, and just haven't sat down and writing the blog posts! so i hope you enjoy! You might have seen a few of these if you follow me, but you should still try 'em!  

1- Quest Protein Chips- okay so i actually haven't even tried these. but come on, my weakness in a protein form from a company i love? yup i will be trying these. a NEW product from Quest Nutrition.i wouldn't mind if you sent them to me. wink. don't forget about quest bars, still an obsession! 

2- Smart Albums Pixellu- this is for photographers or designers. i just downloaded the trial that i've been meaning to since i heard of them at WPPI from Danette (photographer in vegas) who said they rock. i can't even explain how awesome this software is, and don't know how i lived without it! so what is it? if you design albums, you need this. it helps you design albums in a seriously easy and effortless way. i used to spend 8+ hours designing one album, and this is going to help me SO much. it even works with multiple labs so the dimensions are correct for YOUR favorite albums. get it. now. 

3- 64 oz (pink) water bottle- okay so yours doesn't NEED to be pink, but mine is. this is the amount of water you should be drinking per day, not including if you're working out. i have smaller bottles for trips, but this helps me know exactly how much water i'm drinking and to make sure i stay on track! good little help to make sure you're drinking the amount of water you should. 

4- coffee drink- my sister-in-law Jessica took me out to eat while in Wisconsin. she ordered a drink similar to this, and i wanted to try it at home, i changed it up, but i'm sipping on one of these delicious treats now! Fill your Nutri-bullet (yes you need one of those too) cup with ice, then rice dream until it covers the ice. i have caramel coffee, add honey, vanilla protein powder, and unsweetened coconut flakes. it's perfect and helps fight off cravings! i don't normally like coffee, but this is one i'm LOVING. 

5-  Interval Timer App- if you're doing workouts that require you to look at the clock, stop and get this! i use this app for planking and my HIIT days. it allows me to just keep listening to my music and not stare at the time waiting for when i can be done. you can have it set up however you want. one of mine is every 30 seconds, and doesn't affect music, it keeps playing. it has two different sounds so i know when should be doing what. check it out. it's free.

Hope you all have a wonderful day! 

**I'm always up for requests or suggestions on what you'd like to see more! i write these to share wonderful new products and findings with you! If there is a series of posts you want to see, let me know! 

-Shanna Star