White Sands, New Mexico- Happy birthday to Connor!

An impromptu trip out to white sands with one of my favorite families here at Holloman! It was Connor's 1st birthday and it worked for all us to get some fabulous photos! i couldn't help but share a ton with you all, so many favorites! we were there for that perfect sunset too. yes!
oh my gosh. i couldn't get enough of his smiles and cuteness. and the shades and outfits! stud.
as you can tell, we only had a "little" fun mostly we were serious ;)
and of course, a little risky business ;)
what a lucky boy to have such a fantastic and gorgeous mama. Kim, i already don't know what i'd do without you! You've brought so much fun and laughter to my experience here! (she's the one that helped me with my slice of my pinky...very smooth on my part and shared my now favorite champagne. so uhhh yes. she's awesome. ) She's one always willing to help out, and always having a good time! plus seriously, she's a babe. let's be honest.
loved the balloons at white sands, perfect pops of color everywhere!
some of my all time favorite photographs are when families have real moments together. i adore the laughter and fun, just being them! Also they're super cute, Mike was trying to get Connor to giggle more which is how right above this text (bottom right) happened.
My move here to Holloman was kinda scary, middle of nowhere New Mexico. It's been truly wonderful families like this one that helped me already love my time here. It hasn't even been a year and already we found amazing friends to hang with, go on trips with or maybe even a little roof stomp action. Chewies, you've been a HUGE part of that. i'm so thankful for you and can't wait for more adventures!
Kim you had some perfect ideas for family/Connor's birthday shoot and i'm so happy we were able to get out there! you all did perfectly with huge smiles and ready for more photos even when i kept saying i was done.. but that sunset! i couldn't resist.
“Hey! do you love these photos!? comment below, right here on my website! Give the Chewies a little love”