Girls with muscles, fitness photoshoot - Catalina

Where do i even start with this fabulous, gorgeous, hard working woman? I'm so proud to call this girl my friend, encourager, and hugger (even at the gym when we both have been lifting) Catalina has competed in numerous fitness competitions, mostly in bikini and now she's going to step on stage in a new category! I have to say i'm extremely jealous of those huge muscles of hers and her dedication in the gym is unmatchable. She's that girl you see absolutely killin' it everyday and so intimidating but you get to know her and she's always having fun and ready to encourage your fitness journey too! A true inspiration and she took some time out to write a few words for you all too!
"I began my fitness journey when I came across a video of Dana Linn Bailey working legs with Jose Raymond. The intensity and struggle I saw was something that instantly spiked my curiosity for this amazing inspirational woman. As I dug myself deeper into her videos, her work ethics, and her will to force her body to do things and look a certain way that people say a woman's body shouldn't do and look, I got more and more inspired to want to do the same. I set a game plan, dieted and trained for my first show, and I have been hooked ever since. I've competed in three shows now, and currently in off season prep for my next show, in which I will be debuting in the figure category. I have my wonderfully talented coach Caryn, an incredible mentor and role model in Dana, and the daily support and love from my Holloman family. With these people alone by my side, I cannot fail. Not to mention the many others who inspire and motivate me. Dreams are only dreams until you wake up and make them a reality. I wake up every day making moves to make my dreams come true. I want to leave behind a legacy, a feeling of being able to accomplish what you set out to do."
"When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful" - Eric Thomas
She's upbeat. gorgeous. hard-working. gym beast. And killed it in front of the camera, i was so excited about the photos i ordered even MORE business cards with her on them too (so basically suzy and catalina from holloman are on my cards. they're too fabulous not to!)
OH and if you want to see more fitness photography, there will be more soon! Catalina, Marlon, and steven coming up next week!
Want to follow this AMAZING woman and her journey? you can on her instagram.
Catalina's instagram: itscatalinadesiree
-Shanna Star