Networking: Building Relationships for Business
Most of my work is behind the computer looking like a HOT MESS. but one of the most vital parts of my career is networking. the things that scares most people away and just seems like “extra” especially this day in age, but i promise it’s essential for client building.
I’m thankful for my job(s) one being a contract photographer for events. but if you don’t dedicate offline-in person networking, your business isn’t at its full potential. i’m telling you this while i’m still growing and learning about mine too, we’re in teh same boat. ’ve lived in Panama City Beach for 2 years and i’ve seen the impact networking has on a business.
If you want to build your business faster and have referrals coming in and even cut down on marketing and advertising budget, then networking is for you. i jumped in whole heartedly moving to Florida knowing that i’m sticking around, and i’ve been to hundreds of events now and it puts you in front of the people, your people. it’s a drop in the bucket and networking is more like 10,000 drops in the bucket for business growth.
a lot of people i’ve seen say they don’t have time to do this and yet they know how alllll their favorite shows on netflix are doing. they probably even binged. so how much offline in person networking do you do? you need to make it a priority if you haven’t. It gets you in front of other business professionals in the industry longer and may gain mentors and potential clients.
networking is not just running up to every person without a genuine conversation and handing them your business card. they won’t be using you in the future. but it’s about relationship building. and the more you chat it up, the more you might have the perfect client for another business owner or they might have one for you. we all have something to give, but the intention isn’t to find a client at the business meeting, it’s about working together and connecting one another with ideal clients. Network with the intention on giving back. and be open to listening too! Start to go to those peoples’ events and support other people!
you don’t need to talk to as many people as possible, your people will come to you. start with something like a genuine compliment, or even bring someone to join you at the events!
Make sure to bring plenty of business cards WITH your face on them so you’re remembered. for my career because i shoot different types of photography- i actually have 3 kinds of cards i bring so i can give the right one to the right person. which is overkill for most businesses.
don’t forget to relax, every person starts out nervous about networking so they get it too. it’s a great way to practice your elevator pitch and sound confident in your business.
if you don’t have a career that you need to network, it’s a great way to build relationships, character building, connections and getting over a fear of reaching out. although i still get nervous sometimes too!
how do you find businesses to work with?
business cards- they did already hand them out so they’re welcome
ads, online searches and instagram and facebook.
Do some digging on now what businesses can do for YOU but what you can do for them. I’ve offered headshots or lifestyle portraits as a way to connect. Not every one is going to be a great connections, but it could be a way to bring in new clients!
Don’t be afraid of hearing no. it could just mean, no for now. so just be your most professional self and then you’ll have energy for your kind of business connections in the future
social media is important too. but it’s not the end all. you don’t own those platforms, so keep them updated but keep using your newsletters and website to push the traffic to. Social media makes great connections and helps them see you and your service consistently.
How to find networking events
1- Facebook events- my personal favorite
2- Follow businesses that also go to events to see if they share any
3- Local Magazines and PR companies
4- Wherever you naturally hang out- look for posters and ads
5- Chamber of Commerce
6- MeetUp App
Exercise for YOU
1- plan out networking events for a week or a month. 1 hour a week.
2- make a list of companies after you research their business, and contact 5 of them!
a few of my favorite motivation books i suggest for you!
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Keep Shining