Barbie box PINK Panama City Beach photoshoot

Hi Barbie!
As Tori and I were photographing this seriously FUN Barbie Box session (which you can book it too! it’s in the studio for a limited time!) she brought up how this is my job. I get to have all the pink sparkly things, spend girly time with women, get to know their story.. and then we ended up talking about healing. It wasn’t a long conversation but part of what i LOVE about this Barbie Era coming up again so strong is that it brings up healing, comfort, and little Shanna would be absolutely SCREAMING with enjoyment. A lot of talk has been around this new movie but what I love is leaning into play again, creativity, girly and still being badass, and that you’re enough. (or Kenough)
As women we’re often told to put down the play as we grow but then why do men get man caves with all their toys? We need it too, and if nothing else.. it’s brought up healing and sometimes some tears as i think back to how little me would be so PROUD, happy, and excited. I need a photographer comfort barbie now.
As much as we do have to grow into who we’re meant to be.. play, creativity, time with other women, and wonder can and should still exist and i get to have the most girly studio i can dream of.
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