Eden Gardens: Lydia and the Crescent Moon Lollipop Lyra Photoshoot

Eden Gardens With Lydia of Aerial Events: the Crescent Moon Lollipop Lyra
Anytime I get to spend time with Lydia whether it’s a photoshoot, a coffee date, or even conversations on the podcast (you can listen to her podcast interview here!) i know it’s going to be filled with some heart healing, laughter, and this time testing out her new gorgeous crescent moon! Ya’ll, i knew what she does on a daily basis for her business takes so much talent, skill, and dedication; but when i crawled up on the lollipop lyra this evening so un-gracefully, it made her respect her hard work even more. However, i DO want to practice more with her- so maybe i’ll show you when i do.. or can at least get up alone!
I had trouble choosing some favorite images from this session at Eden Gardens so here’s just a couple, and don’t miss the behind the scenes VIDEO at the end, and follow Lydia on Instagram and Facebook. Hair by Brianna
Don’t miss the behind the scenes video below with Lydia!
Keep Shining