Being Faithful in the Little Things- Shine Podcast

Being Faithful in the Little Things EP 20
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what has been on your heart for more? Tune in to being good stewards with little with bring opportunities to being good stewards with much and what we can do with what we have right now.
what have you had on your heart lately you want to share? this is one of the first things i ask the women who are going to be on the podcast. Yes i want the subjects to align with my message, and i want it to be cohesive, but there’s nothing better than speaking to a woman who is sharing something that’s she’s passionate about. Something she has felt give her almost physical heart aches and stomach aches to get out into the world and knowing she should be doing so.
The thing about sharing what’s on our heart, whether it’s a specific cause, heart ache, trauma, or even a new book to share have you ever wished to stand in front of a crowd of women and speak, write a book, have an influence, or even have a lot more money in hopes of helping more people? There’s always someone in need of exactly what you feel you should talk about. I believe in purpose that we’re given and you may not know the reason you feel inclined to do so, but there is always purpose in it, we only have to learn vulnerability and take a first step, even if the purpose is for you to grow.
a lot of times we think we should have or handle more before giving more. whether it’s money, thinking if we had millions of dollars we could save and give, but i’m a believer in if you can’t accomplish to share and give with what you’ve got the opportunity won’t come. so give and share with the small. are we good stewards with what we have? if not, we’ll never been good stewards with much more. This is a conversation i’ve had with a lot of people arguing they can make more impact with more but i don’t think most of us will get to that point if we don’t show the universe that we can take responsibility with the things we have now.i know time and again of people who make a LARGE amount. of money only to be completely broke and unable to buy a home because of what they’ve done with it. when we start with little and become good stewards, we’re able to do MORE with more.
whether you it’s the universe, God, manifesting, i believe we are often times given a small amount to show the world we can handle more. But not until we do a lot with a little and are good stewards with that, are we given more. I started taking this seriously with first my clients as a photographer, that each and every client is someone i can positively encourage and then into my money whether it’s personal or business. I have the ability to save, learn about it, invest, donate even a small amount at first and as i learn and do good with that money, it can grow and i’m able to handle more and do more good with what i’ve got. even if you aren’t a christian this verse below is a good quote to tuck in the back of your mine“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” ~ Luke 16:10 NLT
Although i don’t want to necessarily see it as a test, it’s often times proof that we’re ready for more. Just like when we’re younger we’re given small responsibilities and when we’ve proven we can handle them, we’re given even more
What’s something right now we can do to help be a positive light with where we are right now?
1- understand those thoughts that lie heavy on your heart are important, and learn that vulnerability in sharing with a few people that listen is as important as speaking in front of thousands. It’s the first step into what i think is obedience in doing what you feel you should. Obedience doesn’t have to be to a God specifically but even to yourself, discipline to push past a comfort zone and do what you think you should.
2- money management and donations. i talked about money in budget podcast number ___ but many of us think we can only make a difference and give if we had more money, but your money can and should be given right now. It doesn’t have to be a lot, but a budgeted amount to again be disciplined in giving. I believe in blessings with money when you donate.
3- it’s easier than ever to get our messages out. and if you feel called to write a book, speak at seminars, or influence people around you with knowledge then consider a blog, podcast, or a space to start giving now. you don’t need 2 million followers, just a space to encourage, share, and spark hope with those around you. It’s a way you can right now start to work on your creative side for more and often times a first step into that place.
Vulnerability and growth are the two key words here today. Vulnerability to step out and be seen without millions of followers, or unsure who will respond positively. Vulnerability is the bridge to connection, and as brene brown says it’s not a weakness it’s out greatest measure of courage.
But how are you going to reach out to publishers for a book, small colleges to. speak in front of to encourage, reach out to connect with businesses, or even network if you aren’t willing to be a little vulnerable.
“daring greatly means the courage to. be vulnerable it means to show. up and be seen, to ask for what you need to talk about how you’re feeling and have the hard conversations.” so you want more, but you’re unwilling to step out. I’ve talked about setting small goals that scare you, and until you master or do those, the BIG things like speaking in. front of thousands won’t even be an option. whatever big scary thing you want- there ARE small steps to daily take and get there. often we over estimate what we can get done in a day, and underestimate a year. If you are taking small daily steps, after a year you’ll be amazing at how far you’ve come.
Growth is the other word. Growth in personal development in your business or personal life is just as important. my business wouldn’t grow unless i did as a woman. I bring not only my 12 years experience behind a. camera, but posing, instructing, lighting, and connecting with the person in front of me. And to connect, i have to be vulnerable first, to show who i am first, creating that environment of them being vulnerable too, and to trust. Growth in pushing yourself a little at a time- networking, reaching out to businesses, posting online, learning a new skill. It’s all scary if we’re used to staying in a comfort zone - the more we practice it, the easier that becomes and often the more larger opportunities are presented because we showed discipline and growth.
This doesn’t mean you have to master every skill you have- but the ones you feel drawn to- to learn and grow- those are put in your desires for a reason. Don’t ignore them.
maybe you’re sitting and listening and have NO clue about a new skill you want to learn, a business to open, or anything to share. And that’s okay, just continue to grow. Push yourself little by little. Attend a networking event geared towards social rather than business, jump into a fitness class, or read a book about personal development or finances. You’ll. start to shift towards excites you, and lean into that- prioritize things you love and enjoy- and some of it will be pushed to the back again with no interest.
I meet a lot of women who are scared about a step- scared to hit publish or attend something new. And i’ve been there- it’s scary- but those small steps lead you to bigger things. And i can’t wait until you feel confident in those.
Keep Shining