Luminary Entertainment Company- Santa Rosa Beach Florida

This group of ladies on Florida’s Emerald Coast are the Luminary Entertainment Company, and just a peek into a few of the skills, talents, and hard work they put into their performances below- you’ll see how passionate and inspiring they are- and I constantly feel lucky to surround myself with these kind of women!

There’s so many things i love about being behind the camera and one is truly how many times i get to be in awe of the people i’m photographing, and it completely drives and motivates me to be better in my own craft, excited, and my spark is charged over and again as i see other people in their own passions.

We all have heard how we become like the people we surround ourselves with and what challenges us to be better is to be around people with that mindset. Women and men who push, encourage, have big dreams, and goals they work on every single day. We all could think of 1000 reasons not to do the things we dream of, but when you’re around people who you see are pursuing something bigger- it’s hard not to be insanely motivated too. The people who talk about what’s next, what they’re working on, what they’re reading, researching, and who they’re encouraged by too.

Thank you ladies for this always incredible experience that just lights me up inside and out to not only be SO proud and excited for what’s to come for you, but excited to keep pushing myself too.

Check out Luminary Entertainment Company

Scroll to the bottom to see the BEHIND THE SCENES VIDEO

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