Overcoming the Perfectionistic Procrastination Mindset EP 6

Overcoming Perfectionistic Procrastination EP 6
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perfectionist belief that if we live perfect, look perfect, and act perfect, we can minimize or avoid the pain of blame, judgement, and shame. It’s a shield. It’s a twenty-ton shield that we lug around thinking it will protect us when, in fact, it’s the thing that’s really preventing us from flight." – Brené Brown
Differences between perfectionism and high achiever or growth mindset
1- perfectionists wait until last minute true in procrastination, because it’s vulnerable to give 100 percent this may look like saying they’re busy or had too much to do, but it’s another way to not be vulnerable. Growth or high achiever mind sets does things at first opportunity because failure doesn’t reflect character. so they’ll put their heart in it, and if pieces fall to the way side, it’s okay there’s still things to be proud of.
2- Perfectionist are people pleasers because they fear rejection or critisims. High achievers value and trust their own opinion even through negative feedback. you can still care about opinions, but start with honoring your opinion of yourself first. the opinion that matter are the people in the arena fighting along side of you and ultimately your own opioinion. like oh yes brene brown said “ i you’re not in the arena also getting your butt kicked, i’m not interested in your feedback.”
3- perfectionist is all or nothing mindset. there’s inconsistent results and they burn out. it’s perfect or nothing. high achievers work towards a goal and praise their own effort not just outcome.
4- perfectionist- unbelievably high standards that leave them feeling paralyzed so they tend to do nothing. or as I'm sure you guessed wait until the last second. high achiever- has high standards, but moves daily towards them. Because they take action, they aren’t scared of failing. Perfectionists say the they know failing is part, but don’t live it. perfectionism is denying the very connection we want to obtain.
5- perfectionist scared of judgement because they judge themselves. high achievers care what people think but judgement doesn’t stop them from taking action- willing to be misunderstood. perfectionism kills passion and steals joy.
6- perfectionism is about earning approval, and growth mindset is self improvement. growth mindset makes mistakes and challenges and obstacles, perfectionists want a smooth journey.
So here’s a few things to keep on the right track for your goals, big or small.
1- be honest about priorities and commit to goals, not letting fear define you. make clear tasks that move the needle of progress.
2- cut the busy work- the distraction work that shows to the world you’re busy, but it’s not what’s moving your progress.
3- don’t over plan learn to delegate and let go. start. do the first few things needed to start.
4- decide and publish. once it’s deemed good enough, hit publish.
5-accept mistakes. mistakes are part of the whole experience, you can improve, learn, and adjust along the way and when you’ll do you’ll become so much more wise in that time than the time spent trying to perfect it.
6-be more open minded not all or nothing mindset and let your ideas be guides not absolutes.
7-excellence and growth not perfection- and celebrate the victories and progress made
Reasons done is better than perfect
1- it still holds value and now it’s pushed into the the world meaning your goals can grow and shift.
2- done gets results.
3- you can fix it later.
4- it proves you are confident. as much as you can say you're confident in your product, idea, thing for the world, it proves it.
5- not weighted down by envy of others because you have a healthy view of what excellence vs perfectionism is- and you don’t necessarily want what others have. your eyes are on the prize.
6- value constructive critisim. you’re able to stand hearing the negative comments- although they still sting in the first few seconds, they won’t stop you from growth
7- you enjoy the journey. you’re not just concerned with every persons thoughts. you do the work you feel you’re passionate about and love learning along the way.
8- imperfection is a form of freedom. it sets you free from worrying about every person’s opinion and you concern with the value you holds regardless of being positive for every one.
“Healthy striving is self-focused: How can I improve? Perfectionism is other-focused: What will they think?” – Brené Brown
Affirmations and quotes to remind yourself of taking action:
1-done is better than perfect
2- i’ll hold myself to standard of grace, not perfection
3- be consistently good, not occasionally perfect
4- Nothing works, unless you do
5- stop thinking about what could go wrong, and instead get excited about what could go right
6- Allow to feel fear, but do it anyway
7- what you do today can improve tomorrow
8-THere’s no such thing as perfection, only improvement
9- i’m not afraid to makes mistakes,i embrace mistakes as learning opportunities
10- continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection- mark twain
11- i’m a recovering perfectionist and an aspiring good enough-ist brene brown
12- i’m imperfect and wired for struggle, but i’m worthy of love and belonging - brene brown
13- i will not teach or love or show you anything perfectly but it’ll let you see me. Brene brown
14- to overcome perfectionism you and to dare greatly. to be vulnerable and be seen. the TRUE self. vulnerability is a risk and emotional exposure and that’s what we need.
15- you’re allowed to feel restless about it and keep moving on.
i can spout quotes and research findings and even women who have literally spent years in the thick of this information and sharing it, and as i write this i want to just also speak to me and say if this helps one person unveil their mindset about perfectionism, then it’s all worth it. just like your goal, dream, project, or business plan too. Perfectionistic procrastination is based in fear. mediate, journal, and just let go and do the thing that’s been placed on your heart. Life’s way too short to not hit publish. It’s not enough to just know the truth, it’s implementing it, making small adjustments and improvement towards vulnerability, courage, and progress.
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