Self Reflection EP 1

Self Reflection Podcast EPisode 1
Self Love is a topic i talk about often and you may have heard me passionate speak on it on instagram stories, but it’s gotten a bad reputation online as you see hashtags claiming #selflove flowing with vacations away from families, getting hair and nails done, basically anything that rids of daily responsibilities. And while those things have their place and can be important to feel good, they’re what i can items that only bring slivers of joy not self love.
So what is self love? It’s actually self-reflection and it normally doesn’t look as delicious to post online. It’s filled with hard work, taking a look in the mirror, how you treat and make people feel and how you’re improving. It’s deep conversations that sometimes bring you the hard truth to hear and rather than take away from your reality, it brings you closer to it. see? not nearly as fun as bahama vacation #selflove. It can be as simple as taking a step back and trying to yell less at your kids (maybe not NONE but less) and could be as big as a realization that not forgiving someone has hindered you in ways you’re finally aware of.
i know a few of you may want to clap back with the “we should love ourselves for who we are.” YES i fully agree, however, the example i’m giving is a significant other’s love. Once you found your partner, you don’t stop there (or if you do.. that won’t go well, i ASSURE YOU) you don’t stop being kind, listening to their needs, and oh yeah… growing and moving forward. the same goes with your relationship with you.
So although self care/love may include the following we’re taking a quick look at what self love isn’t JUST the slivers of joy:
-trips away from family, reality, responsibilities, and daydreaming away the life you built.
Although those can bring slivers of joy, sanity, and let’s face it some refreshment needed sprinkled into everyday messy life, they aren’t what self love/reflection is.
However- They have a place. in fact they’re important too. As a young girl i saw my mom take time for herself (don’t get me wrong, she put my brother and i first, and probably too much) but she took care of herself. Honestly i don’t know how she did, superwoman status. But watching her get ready allowed me to see that she valued herself, she’s important too, and when she felt good, she could show up even BETTER as more than just a mom, but as a woman, wife, and let’s face it.. badass. Through the millions of little lessons she taught me i didn’t always see until later, that one instilled confidence in a different way and added value to me as a woman.
So we know what self reflection isn’t, so let’s talk about some tangible ways you can do them DAILY.
1- Go on a walk, stretch, just get out and move your body. It gets you out of your rut, has proven to give you more energy to show up, and clears your head to give that lift you might need to make it through the day. (yeah i know caffeine sometimes helps that too.)
2- While doing the not so fun chores like laundry and dishes- stay away from technology. take those moments your hands are literally full to clear your mind. sometimes in silence to clear your head, or maybe at least silence in your head as kids run around you in circles.
3- Wake up early or stay up 20 minutes later to journal. Write down whatever comes to your head, start with the emotions you feel, lists or even read a little to help motivate you to show up tomorrow in a new way more present. Write down 1-2 ways to improve small actions tomorrow and get those creative juices flowing if that’s your jam.
4-Coffee dates or if you can’t make that happen, a phone date. And cling on to those slightly obnoxious, truth telling but want the best for you, pushes you a little but for your good and tell you the words on your heart type people.
I absolutely believe in self-care and Self-reflection and yeah i’ll continue to get my hair blonder and more pink for the forseeable future, it brings me a sliver of joy, it’s but more than that. It’s what’s going on in my head, my heart, and character will always reflect that.
It may seem cheesy and you might not see results the next day, but mindset and an outlook over time. You may have heard me say this before but as John C Maxwell says '“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success if found in your daily routine.”
NOW for a little treat- a sliver of joy if you will. Wookies. If you haven’t tried the Waffle Queen’s Wookies (think waffle + cookie) you can now order online and ship through the US and what’s even BETTER is, i get to share a code to get you 10% your order. use SHINE at checkout. she rolls out with a new pack every month and you can always suggest your favorites too! I keep extra in the freezer at all times.
As always, Keep Shining