If everything is a priority, nothing actually is- with Angela Johnson
Angela Johnson- Speaking of priority, task management, boundaries and more!
Angela Johnson is on the Shine Podcast! She's a certified Scrum Trainer, Agile Guide, and founder of Collaborative Leadership Team. in 2010 she founded the company to provide education and consulting services to clients adopting Scrum and Agile.
We had the opportunity to chat not only about her book, team, business but also priority- because if everything is a priority... nothing actually is. We talk through hot to task, prioritize, setting boundaries in business and more. Tune in!
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Images provided by Angela Johnson
If everything is a priority- nothing is.
You wrote The Scrum Master Files: secrets every coach should know -that came out almost 2 years ago and I’d love to know why this book- what inspired it?
Will you also talk about what Scrum is and how it’s used In business for those that it may be new for?
and how to implement or practice that, what it takes?
In one of your podcast episode on the Ignite Agility - I heard you chat about what Daily scrum is: transparency, inspection and adaptation opportunity of the sprint goal. Will you speak to that in detail of what that looks like for a business team?
I think Steve Jobs is one who said deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do- and the topic of “if everything is a priority- nothing is” because I think It really involves everything in life and can covered to every aspect like if you believe in everything- you believe in nothing etc so I REALLY want to talk about priorities in business and what that really means.
What are some practical ways we can prioritize in our daily tasks but also our sprint goals and long term goals?
I know for me, I learned the practice of 5 things a day. Now of course there are days where the list is a bit longer for things to accomplish but I had to start prioritizing what REALLY needed to get done and for me the 5 things a day is what allowed me to move the needle in my business. Is there something similar you’ve suggested to teams and clients?
Can you talk in depth about everything is a priority- nothing is and why it’s important to prioritize in business but also in personal life too?
Are there some tips to get started implementing a strategy that you suggest maybe 3-5 things to shift in the working day to prioritize in an easier or maybe a better word would be more effective way?
Also with priorities often means setting boundaries around other parts of life- and that can be tough to first start to do- are there any boundaries that usually come along with setting priorities that you see with people first learning to set goals/priorities?
What’s something that’s been on your mind and heart lately, something you feel compelled to share with those listening?
How can we find you, follow you, listen to your podcast and learn from you!
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