Marketing and booking more clients- with Jane Goodrich

Marketing and booking more clients- with Jane Goodrich

Tune in as Jane Goodrich and I chat through tips to book more clients, creative ways to market your photography business and learn all about Picsello a platform that will empower photographers to easily manage, market, and monetize their business.

with over 14 years in the business, Jane has some great insight, things to keep in mind and knowledge to share about the photography biz side of things!

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image provided by Jane

The 8 steps to booking more clients

Jane welcome to the shine podcast!

We’re going to be getting into business and booking more clients but before that

I’m so glad to have a fellow photographer to chat with! I’d love to know how you became a photographer!

So aside from building a profitable and successful photography business- you are the founder and CEO of picsello which is such a powerful tool. Will you talk about how this idea came to be and then came to life!

I have dug into picsello and what if offers, there’s a few things that I love that jumped out- one that it works closely with WHCC as a professional printing company for clients to order from and also that you can decide how many images a client can download- so chat more about a few of the features and I’m sure they’re all special and thoughtfully integrated but maybe a few things photographers may not realize even is a part of the software!

First I have to know if you’ve been to wppi in Las Vegas to see we’ve ever crossed paths! (Wedding & Portrait Photographers international)

So before we jump into how book more clients- what are some things you suggest to set up for business owners before those jumping to bookings so things to set up the business— I know for myself it’s working on craft whtether that’s lighting, posing, directing, knowing your camera- (and that’s ongoing) but determining ideal client, pricing for profit, getting down how I speak, interact, and where my ideal client lives online, what are some things to do on the business end before hand?

So now that we’ve done more of the backwork and also assuming we’re working on craft- what are steps to book more clients!

So many ways to market our business- and of course depending on the ideal client- ways to connect and find those- but is there advice you give when photographers ask you how to market your business- is there any creative ways to suggest to them?

(Software/good communication/set the luxury experience up right away)

Is there any advice to photographers just starting out- that you suggest to continue to build a successful business?

What are some things on the horizon for you that you’re excited about in business?

What is something on your heart that you’d love to share with anyone listening and wondering about building a photography business?

And today we have an offer for anyone listening- will you talk about that?

How can we find and follow you!