White Sands, New Mexico- Happy Anniversary Sam & Bob!

Sam and i met at Holiday Bazaar here in Alamogrodo, New Mexico. We clicked right away and of course lots of chatting happened :) She's a photographer here as well and when she booked with me, i was so excited to photograph her and her husband for their anniversary! 

One of my favorite parts of this shoot aside of course from all the fantastic moments and giggles was the time i was able to talk to Sam. We got to talk about how she met Bob, health, and of course photography. She's an incredible woman, and i'm so thankful to have met her! now if we could get schedules to coordinate for some girl dates! 

here's a few from our shoot at White Sands National Monument!


Something i loved about Sam was her ability to make Bob laugh and smile! Photos aren't always his favorite thing, but you wouldn't have been able to tell at this shoot. I had so much fun with both of them! 


She pulled over those great big laughs and then this serious look! what a gorgeous woman! 


moments like the one above are some of my favorites! in-between some posing came this, and i couldn't get rid of the real moment! 


our time completely flew by as the sunset was approaching, we got some beautiful photographs of the two of them! 


If you know Sam, you can feel the beauty that she puts out. she's a confident, funny, soft-hearted woman and treasured by her husband. our time together will forever be cherished. 


Bob & Sam, happy anniversary! i'm so glad i was able to photograph you and get to know you better! you both are beautiful souls and i couldn't help but smile and laugh obnoxiously loud the entire time! what a wonderful experience and always a reminder why i love photographing couples. 


any occasion can be a photographed occasion! updated photographs make such beautiful art pieces but also great gifts for loved ones! Especially moving and living far from family, it can be the best gift. want updated photos with your loved one? maybe a mom or dad that you want to see more in photographs! a session to get that wedding dress back on? click the book now button to send me an email! 


-Shanna Star