Luke, Nicole and Ayden boy!
The Horsmans
I can't believe how big Ayden is getting! make it stop ;) i've known the lovely Nicole since we were just little kiddos! and had the chance of even photographing her wedding this past september, and it was gorgeous! click here to see those photos!

Nicole always looks cute, but she was expecting just photos of Ayden so she was a good sport when i asked her to be in some! good thing you always are adorable!

I had so much fun with this family, Luke throwing Ayden, swinging, and a quick game of duck duck gray duck. he did so good and had the biggest smile for mom when he got to curl his fingers and show double joints! what a sweet heart. thank you guys for dairy queen too.. was the best way to cool off and reward good smiles!
He is a quick little guy so i had to keep that camera up while he was chasing his parents. i really can't believe how big he's getting! can't wait to see you all again!
oh and i really love the black and white when he was resting on the bench. he posed that on his own! little handsome model! which is your favorite?!
OH i just finished this up for a little many faces of ayden!
Shanna Magnuson