Alyse & Brady- engagement!
These two have been together for 6 years. incredible! :) and i loved being able to photograph them. One of my favorite part of engagement shoots is to see how couples interact and i always love what their guys have to say. Brady although didn't seem terribly excited for a morning of photos i think he liked the idea of kissing on his beautiful girl even more that day ;)

I've known Alyse since before Kindergarten, we were probably about five! And i've grown up with her, from sports to band she's been in my life for quite some time! So when she asked me to shoot her wedding i was really excited, it means so much to be able to photograph friends and see the next part of their journey, so thank you Alyse and Brady and congratulations!

check out the close up, your eyes are GORGEOUS there! i had a fun adventure with these two, Alyse knew of a beautiful spot and so we drove through crazy bumps in a field and walked through long wet grass and i have to say.. i love those mornings when shooting! Always something fun when you find new places!
Look for more soon on facebook, and leave some love, which is your favorite photo and why.
i've also been working on a new business card for my lovely sister Crissie so stay tuned!
Shanna Magnuson