Busyness vs business

I wrote last week about accomplishing small goals, and how to start managing your time so you can work towards your big dreams, you can read that Here. I wanted to be clear about working towards your business and goals vs just being busy.
We as a society, especially women feel we need to constantly be busy to have worth. We are filled with pinterest that shows thousands of DIY projects, ideas, recipes and more. Social media makes it seem like we are always doing something productive and have endless energy. Don't get me wrong because i adore pinterest and social media but this doesn't mean we have to do everything. we don't. We can't. we won't have energy, motivation, or time for our family and loved ones. I also don't think we'll remain sane very long.
What i wanted to encourage you to do is to manage time to add in important things that will help you push towards your goals and take away from the time wasters. we all have them. Managing your time helps you deceifer between the two. No matter what you goal is; reading, working out, and eating healthy will help those so those are the ones i suggested. I believe that every one has a dream and goals we aren't always sure what they are, but they're placed on our hearts. So sit down with a journal and write your fears and angers, what makes you happy and your passions. Your passions are directly connected to your talents and goals. It'll help you figure out those goals and dreams!
Do i have days where i need to rest, watch tv, and just plain relax? Yes. Everyone does. i watch too much tv, and spend too much time on my phone stalking people. I also order dominos pizza. Sometimes, we need those time wasters. just not every day. which is where 5 tasks a day can help you stay on track.
While it's great when we feel busy and are accomplishing something, we should be aware of busy and meaning business with our tasks. I have days that are busy yes we all do, but i have days that give me time to accomplish goals too. By HAVE time, i mean MAKE time. I spend time on what matters most to me.
So busyness vs business. BUSYNESS makes us feel drained, we do all those things we THINK we need to according to other peoples' accomplishments. We do them to make us feel like we're worth something. Meaning BUSINESS with tasks encourages us and gives us energy and motivation to work towards our dreams. We do these things according to what we want to accomplish and in turn end up encouraging others.
It looks like like a daunting task when we compare what other people are accomplishing. We all choose what matters most to us during any time in our life. How wonderful it is we all have different ideas and dreams and how to get there. Keep being a go getter, but for the things that you want, not what you see others doing. i spend time on what matters most to me.
"Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered — how fleeting my life is." - Psalm 39:4
Of course we have to chase after our dreams and be productive, but let's not forget that's not always being busy. let's break busy. Let's be productive. let's mean business with our time and actions and not just remain busy.
-Shanna Star
Leaving you with my business verse that's also on the shirts I designed.
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11