White Sands Boudoir Session- Sarah

I’m about to give away a big secret of boudoir photography, all women are nervous (even if it’s just a little bit) They’re nervous they’re undeserving, not “thin” enough, not sexy enough, can’t pull off the sexy look, showing the part of their body they don’t like, aren’t confident enough, or scared they’ll hate every single photo. Now that you know every woman feels this way, what’s stopping you?
I will tell you boudoir sessions have been my favorite. Not just because the women walk away with a little bit of badass attitude or seeing themselves in a different light that they are enough and beautiful, but because of the conversations we have. Pouring out hearts and sharing hurts and what we’ve overcome happens more often than not. Sharing scars and things they’ve hid for years. And for a moment, vulnerability happens and their sexiness is shared even more.
I know you’re worried about a hundred little things, so let me help with the posing and behind the camera part. You’ll just have to worry about what to do after your session because you’ll look smokin’ hot.
I had a wonderful time with Sarah, we knew each other a little before the session, but after our session, I feel I understand her beautiful heart even more. Girl, I'm so proud of you and how you rocked it!
Keep Shining
Shanna Star