Other Side of the Camera- My photoshoot with Creating Classics Photography
I had the opportunity to work with Glen, owner of Creating Classics Photography, on the side of the camera most women often try to avoid but I try to do almost every year because it always makes me feel more confident and body positive.
I’m pretty comfortable with showing a little more skin in front of the camera, after my bikini competition,I learned to get comfortable real quick with not much on. I immediately felt comfortable with Glen and in between the serious shots were tons of laughter and fun. He was completely professional and loved every idea he had! We shot for a while and it went so quickly, made me excited for more shoots!
what i love about being on that side of the camera is the boost of confidence i get. it helps me literally see myself through someone else’s lens, and helps me appreciate not just my body but who i am in a different way. It was such a good time in my life to do this kind of shoot, because i’m not on prep for anything and actually i’d say i’m at my thickest i’ve been and have had some personal stresses; So even though i may not see myself at my best, I can appreciate me. and i hope it can encourage women to do these shoots before losing the weight or waiting for the perfect time.
there’s a few things i want to say about the video, as i edited it, i had the urge to delete the angles that weren’t as flattering. but i didn’t. i left in the bad angles, weird faces, and my full of food stomach. Because as much as i am proud of every image, it’s not perfection i was seeking but feeling good about myself. i thought about the young women that look at my page and maybe only see the edited images, or the women who have struggled with body image for years and find it extremely hard to look at women they view as perfect. Because they’re only seeing the best. i show the best of my clients and myself too because there is enough negative thoughts running through all of our minds. We hear enough negative words about our bodies and see it as we compare to ads and photoshopped women. I’m not showing beautiful images to tell you you’re not enough or not worthy of photos. it’s to encourage you that you TOO are enough, you are valuable and brilliant and beautiful. we sometimes just need to see ourselves in a positive light to build confidence so many have lost along the way. So when you see an edited image it helps build that woman up, but I want to be real and show you all sides and since I wouldn't ever do that with a client, my only option is to be vulnerable and show you all sides of me.
Want to view more and read the interview with Glen on his blog. click here!
Follow Glen's gorgeous work
sexy side of his work on Instagram gdshoots
his portraits and lifestyle work creatingclassicsphotography
Keep Shining
Shanna Star