Self portraits- in studio and on the beach

"The most important day is the day you decide you're good enough for you. It's the day you set yourself free."

Something has been slowly changing for me over the last couple months. self love has increased, and I feel so good about me.  even more so with these self portraits, it just  clicked for me this weekend, more than it has for other self portraits. I saw them and liked almost every single one. (minus the ones me running to my spot, I always dork it up, those are just ridiculous) but I didn't have even the urge to photoshop my body, even my cyst in my armpit I've been so self conscious about I thought just looks like boob to anyone else so I didn't care. I have been preaching self love while I was myself continually working on it and I will continue to do so. While I've been learning my body and my mind, I have fallen in love with it within the past months. Don't get me wrong, PMS strikes my girl brain hard and for a day says I'm not worth it, but the next day I kick that stupid thought and go on loving who I am. 

Do I always look this put together? oh heck no and these photos aren't reflecting that I do, but I am capable of feeling like a  badass. I'll be in yoga pants rocking my high one-a-week-washed  hair bun most the time, and I couldn't do my makeup like this if I tried, so I'll stick to SPF moisturizer, and a little mascara and that's okay. It's not about changing who I am, it's about seeing myself as beautiful like we do all the other women. we are quick to think other women are perfect, but don't take the time to appreciate what the have to offer, and after these photos, I'm feeling great again. A little reminder of what I bring to the table and with the right tools, we can all ROCK IT even more. Although my unwashed hair bun, I kinda love.

 when's the last time you pampered yourself (because we all need it sometimes!) with something that wouldn't be quite so temporary? I've said for a while women will save up for what they value and get exactly what they want. But that purse you desperately want... you probably won't use after a few years time. Those nails although beautiful, will have to be filled again, and the shoes will be worn out. Investing in beauty isn't a bad thing, but what about something you can pass on or an art piece to hang in your home? Even after the experience is done, the photographs remain. I know even though it's my profession I haven't always felt worthy of sexy photos, because who am I to do so?- I'm not famous. Then I think about photographs of women I'd want in my home, the famous-to-me women. They're the ones I look up to and strive to be like. and I just keep thinking how I would LOVE to have images of my grandmother and mom to pass down, print, and show off. yeah even the "cheeky" ones I would print HUGE and hang in my home. in fact, anytime I can, I show off a hot pic of my mom when she was younger. is and was always a babe. 

So the next time you're feeling unworthy is maybe the exact time to step In front of the camera and have something to remember what a gorgeous strong fiery woman you are. Also how we survive posing in heels and roller-skates, cause it isn't easy! 


davista photography emerald coast photographer
self portraits Panama City beach
Panama City beach headshot photography
Panama City beach makeup artist and hair stylist photographer
30a headshot photographer
indoor headshot photos
shanna Magnuson self portraits Florida
Panama City beach boudoir
rollerskate portraits on the beach photoshoot
roller-skate throwback photoshoot
Panama City beach photos
cute Panama City beach women portraits
Panama City beach fitness photoshoot
davista photography Panama City beach boudoir
fitness photoshoot on the beach roller-skates
fun roller skate photoshoot on the beach
Panama city beach fitness and boudoir photographer davista photography


Hair and makeup by Stacy Anderson, Follow her on Instagram and Facebook

Keep Shining and sometimes pamper yourself.

Shanna Star

(social media links below to follow on Facebook and Instagram!)