What makes you shine?

“Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive and go do it because that’s what the world needs is people have come alive.”- Howard Thurman.
Starting reading my next book and love that already inspired feeling. It sets me on fire for what my passions are. And more than anything, I want that feeling for you, but I stated in one of my newest blog posts how that will look vastly different for each one of us. Not every one desires the same things I do, aside from I assume sitting in Panama City Beach, bikini on, holding a girly drink and basking in the sun. No? fine switch it to wine, maybe more of you will be on board. Passions and dreams don’t have to turn your world on its side or look like a completely new life far away, ditching the one you’ve built, but it doesn’t mean your dreams are any less important or worthy to be fought for. I truly believe we all have desires that were purposely placed in us and things we should go after, it’s the things that make us come alive. If you’re not sure of any of that exists in you, it’s time to dig deep and find those little sparks! They’re in all of us, we just have to discover or rediscover them
Do you know why one of my passions is for other women to find theirs and to feel alive? I want to see more strong women and as become stronger, it just ignites that fire!- And here’s a little reminder to all of those putting off their dreams, goals, passions, desires… “Excuses don’t make strong women.” dang and ouch. We can talk the talk for years about what we want: careers, vacations, side hustles, hobbies, but the real no BS thing is this.. excuses don’t make you strong. I know there is a time for everything and i’m immensely aware of patience and getting through some hardships, but as someone who struggled with anxiety and depression and then went through a divorce, moved across the country and started over with no friends… I don’t really want to hear excuses. sorrynotsorry. Do you know what makes you strong? I mean that girly drink and relaxation time from above IS needed, rest in general and just existing is enough some days, I get it. But what will make you strong and learn and grow is going after the things you love. Whether it’s a side hustle of a new hobby, or finally jumping into a career you’re nervous as heck about. Life is way too short to keep waiting for the right time, because if you keep waiting for the right time.. it’ll never come. We’ve got to make it happen. I’m not saying overload yourself with being “busy” i’m talking about being productive. Baby steps are inevitable, and it will take some work and maybe some frustrations, but it’s so worth it when you feel your heart racing and you know you’re shining from the inside because you’re talking about YOUR passions.You are doing the things you’ve talked about for years.
I want more strong women because I feel strong. I have weak days and insecure days don't ever think I don’t, but I know who I am, what I want, and I am taking the steps towards it. It feels amazing to know the things set in my heart.. my purpose, are things i’m doing. It builds us stronger to fail (oh and I do! but it’s not even failing, just learning) and move towards our goals. I desperately want that for every woman so the young girls will grow up knowing what strong women look like too, but you have to want it for yourself. So tell me, what’s holding you back when you can be shining brightly?
Keep Shining
Shanna Star