Four excuses i've told myself and the truth behind them
![Four excuses i've told myself and the truth behind them](
Have you thought about where you could be if you didn’t allow fear to hold you back, or better yet.. excuses? So many people and usually in my experience- specifically creative women get stuck on perfecting their product before sharing it with the world; but, it’s never going to be perfect and the best way TO make it better is to share it and tweak it in the future. I’m not saying don’t take your time. I’m a planner too, so plan and research- word hard ON your craft and then share it.. imperfections and all. I heard this quote and love it.- “ Stop masking procrastinating as planning.” You’ll never be ready, so the best time is now. I once heard that if you don’t follow through with the big idea that you become obsessed with, it’ll leave your body and find someone else who will follow through. I’m not even sure i believe it, but i damn well want to make sure to use the ideas i’m so excited about, before the opportunity slips me by.
I sure don’t have it all figured out, but along the way i’ve learned a few things the past 11 years as a business owner and starting over in 4 states, making mistakes and finding out a million different ways marketing and branding didn’t work and luckily some that do. Along with amazing nuggets of knowledge, i had some excuses i’d tell myself and here’s 4 i wanted to share with you and then exactly what i’ve learned.
1- i don’t have enough money. The more I’m around and pushing towards my next idea, the more i realize HOW many people really will invest. It takes some time talking about it and looking for ways to find it, but the money is out there, all you have to do is be prepared to pitch your idea and be excited about it.
2- I don’t have time. You’re right, there are never going to be enough hours in the day to accomplish every single thing we’d love to do, but setting clear and top priorities and taking note to how you spend your day will help immensely. Start with a log of how you spend your time, what goals you have, and 3-5 things you can do to work towards those goals.
3- There’s already someone else doing it, and better than i could. This one has gotten me in the past for sure. And yes, we are recycling ideas as creatives but you bring a new perspective or a way to introduce it, and your passions have purpose, so don’t be afraid to share your experiences, advice, art, or what you want to give to the world.
4- I have to do it all myself as a entrepreneur. Okay, so i’m still struggling with this. But i want to GROW my business, to not depend on me showing up to make money, and to build a team that will introduce their strengths where i have weakness. I don’t have to do it alone, and the tasks i’m no good at (or just really don’t enjoy doing) are going to be sent out to someone else, so i can have more time on working on the business and not just IN the business. They won’t be you, but you can find a team that will allow you to use your precious time in a more valuable way.
If you’re struggling to take those first steps, or to introduce something new, i urge you to just try. Just one post, one product, one thing. It’s scary but as you do it, courage and confidence builds!
I still have a lot to learn, but i’m also here to help. If you would like help with your new launch or product, please email me and we can chat through your dreams too!
Keep Shining
Shanna Star