You belong among the wild flowers, you belong somewhere you feel free
Posing this lovely young lady from behind the camera and chatting with her aunt and my friend (and the fabulous woman who did makeup for this shoot!) brought me back to being 18. From everything from the unknown future, possibilities, to the changes in fashion and left me wanting to encourage women of all ages. Whether you’re 18, 33, 47, or 65- you have possibilities, opportunities, and all the things you need right now to go after what you want. Where you are right now- you’re fully equipped and enough today and honestly i believe we’re never too old for a new dream.
We may not all be 18 anymore, but time changes not just our physical body but the amount of wisdom, hopefully tenderness, and strength as we have all of the world’s experiences, both good and harsh. As much as time may be more simple when we’re young full of wild ideas and a future that’s endless ahead of us- women continue to amaze me as we become more beautiful with age, with that tenderness i mentioned, confidence, and sometimes a quiet beauty that comes from within. Not to take away form this amazing young woman as she is truly beautiful, it makes me so excited to encourage those qualities in young women as they go into the world with fresh eyes.
You belong among the wild flowers, you belong somewhere you feel free. 🌺