Harnessing Your natural productivity

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I’m continually learning my productivity and how to better harness that energy and after getting into fitness and listening to my body, i’ve become more aware that for women it absolutely coincides with your menstrual cycle.
I’m not an expert in the field by any means, but i’ve really loved learning all about our bodies and how they react through each time of the month. Recently i heard about Claire Baker who is a woman’s coach and i’ll be referencing some of her work. You can find more about her at www.thisislifeblood.com i was completely agreeing with what she had to say and helping shed the stigma about talking about our periods and how we can use the cycle to help with business and harness that energy.
There are many ways online to categorize the phases of a cycle, but while researching i found i like how Claire Baker did it best, it’s clear and to the point and makes sense. For most women it’s dividing the month into 4 seasons- keep in mind these are her findings- i’m just a fan girl at the moment and love what she found.
Before we jump in, you may find your body is a little different than what i’m sharing, especially if you’re on birth control, it’s just a good guideline to start tracking yours!
Winter- days 1-6 this is menstruation/bleeding and introspection research phase. often a time to be at home and take it easy, she called the reset time, reflective and intuitive. estrogen will climb in a few days.
Spring days 7-13 back into the world and feeling momentum you can sync projects and action. This is where planning phase comes in too. So use this time for creating and brainstorming
Summer days 14-21 ovoluation- releasing an egg. Summer is. a great time to get it all done, catch up whether it’s projects or house DIY. This is where you’ll feel the most energy.
Autumn days 22-28 progesterone dominant. this rises after ovulation to nurture potential pregnancy. stay at home with the blanket hormone. Increased sensitivity you’re self critical and premenstrual insight. A time to finish up and get back to planning for the next coming weeks along with admin, accounting, and invoices.
Not every person can schedule their life around their cycle, but being aware of why you’re feeling the way you are, and when you can harness more energy is a great start to being more productive.
Track your patterns but journaling- write down how you feel, how your body feels, energy, etc. you’ll see in a few months times patterns.
I was hesitant about this topic for about half a second. And then i realized how important it is for self improvement and business- the two things i said i would be speaking on. I know when i can show up fully present and focused and when i need to give myself some grace and i know when projects are going to get done, and when i need a day off.
i really hope you gained a little helpful information today and start tracking how you feel and get excited too when you see patterns to use to your advantage.
Keep Shining