What Makes You Shine- EP 16

what makes you shine
How to find your passions and what keeps that spark in you.
do you ever wonder if maybe you’re missing something?- you see people around you and online seemingly so excited for what they’re doing, and you think maybe you’re just not meant to be that excited about something. Maybe you’re one who just can’t figure out what lights your up. I’m going to encourage you today into finding what makes you shine and give you some things to ponder and journal to start little sparks in you and what makes you shine
I’m all on board for finding what makes myself shine which is why i’m so excited. about it for you, but the more i dug into this little topic, the more i found i wanted to address something up front. You no matter. where you are in life, are not less or more worthy. because you do or don’t have a passion or dream you’re currently working on. There are plenty of right reasons to find your passions and sometimes even your purpose through these questions i’ll give, but it’s important to remember there are also wrong reasons to find passions
1- finding your dream/doesn’t earn worthiness just like if you haven’t found anything that really gets you up in the morning doesn’t make you less worthy
2- you’re doing it because of pressure- especially on social media- depending on who you choose to follow it may seem like they all have the same or similar goals, and to find one or push yourself to do that goal just because it looks like the right way, is the wrong reason.
and 3- don’t forget there are seasons for passions. what makes. you shine for the next 5 years, may shift and that’s more than okay, you’re just embracing all the facets of you. so if you find something that you find joy in and share with the world- you are not stuck to it forever.
1- Lean in to what you’re naturally drawn to- it’s so often connected to your path, purpose, or passion in life and have the courage to be curious about it.
2- create a dream and describe it in details, what does your day to day look like
3- what does happiness mean to you
4-what do you love doing that you lose track of time?
5- what do you love talking about
6- if you’re giving a from the heart kind of gift- what makes you excited to make/serve to others
7- what would you choose to do with your time if money wasn’t an issue
8-what do you find yourself researching/reading about
And you know what you’re allow others to do around you if you have the courage to this? you allow them to find theirs as well- it’s contagious to find what makes you shine. It gives permission to the people around you, to feel at peace to do the same.
I hope you find some time to be today. It’s never too late to find what you love and you’re never stuck in that one passion. Keep Shining