Time to Embrace Fear- Shine Podcast EP 15

Time to Embrace Fear: Shine Podcast with Shanna Star EP 15
And this is what i want to really have you remember, fear is normal, it’s part of every successful person in their growth and it doesn’t mean it’s the wrong decision, it means you’re doing something bold and new.
the more i research fear, the more i feel the need to say one extremely important part is to dig down deep whether you. call it a gut feeling, God, intuition, learn to know it well and trust it. That’s what’s going to help you make the right decisions. as much as we ask our loved ones and friends for guidance, only we know the right deep down right move to make for business, goals, relationships, and what’s on our hearts no matter how well someone knows us. we have the ability and control to make that shift. if we trust ourselves, that will be the best decision maker we have.
I didn’t want to ever say overcoming fear in this episode. not that we can’t overcome certain steps and specific fears, but as growth and we push past certain sticking points, we aren’t done with fear, the fears changes as we change, the old fears are too small and we can crush them- but new ones will pop up, but we can learn to prepare and embrace certain fears but tell them thank you for coming, but they’re not needed at this time- because you know you’re making the right decision and a good decision. And this is what i want to really have you remember, fear is normal, it’s part of every successful person in their growth and it doesn’t mean it’s the wrong decision, it means you’re doing something bold and new.
Bravery looks different for each person and it doesn’t have to be a huge leap to be brave. It’s learning your instinct, trusting it and moving forward and sometimes that means while scared. In fact in business, i don’t know anyone who is “ successful” that hasn’t had fear or failed in some shape or another.. So if you want to own a business or do something brave, you will have to learn that failure is part of every person’s process. There’s no way around that. And if you don’t think you can handle fear, you’re going to be stuck where you are.
a lot of times with fear, especially women-feel a twinge and immediately think it means it’s a bad decision, they’re not cut out for it and it’s their sign to stop. When in fact, of course there’s a little fear, you’re doing something new, out of your comfort zone. it’s not always a sign it’s a bad thing to do, it’s a sign you’re doing something bold. we wait, we wait as women for permission, for the magical day that someone hands us the opportunity, but the truth is, you have to step out and get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Today it might look like writing down the goal, tomorrow post about it on fb or research it. It doesn’t mean to invest all your money or quit your job, it’s the baby steps that will make all the difference those are the domino affects that start to gain courage and confidence to reach higher and higher. you have everything you need to start today. You’re scrappy and resourceful and we are as women whether that’s as a mother or a single woman we find ways to get through the ups and downs. to work out all our problems, so the same goes for our goals. we have what it takes we need only to trust ourselves and take the steps necessary. There’s no getting over fear, you slowly do the baby steps until one day you look up and you’re doing the thing you set out to do. We need to learn that fear is a part of the journey.
really the bottom line is this- you won’t ever have the perfect time, enough money, moment, or less busy life. You create the life you live and have that full ability , and during it there will be fears and failures but the only way for those lies of fear will lessen as they whisper in your ear is when you do the scary thing during those whispers and unfortunately those whispers won’t lessen on the next part of your goal only silence the ones you hushed with action. the antidote to fear is always action. There is no way to skip past it, and even with action it may not go as planned which is part of the process too and why you can be ready with preparation.
How can we help this paralyzed fear part of journey? Two things for you today 1- we need inspiration to help speak life over us. We need mentors, books, podcasts, things that uplift and give you encouragement, daily. people who know your heart and can keep you accountable and we also need 2- information. We need the preparation of how to move forward, steps, and even understanding setbacks so we’re ready.
SO today i want to leave you with this little question- when was the last time you did something scary on purpose to move forward? You’ll never be ready, so start today and see how you become stronger as you gain momentum, confidence, and peace within your decisions.
i really hope this resonates with you today, that you’re not alone and those fears are a part of every success story, thank you for tuning in, and as always keep shining
Keep Shining