What the F* is Endometriosis
Tune in to Shine Podcast with Shanna Star and Episode 21 with Alice Butler
What the F* is Endometriosis? Listen in as we talk about Alice’s experience, her motivation to start her own business, inspiration for you to start your goals now, and how she’s helping women all over!
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Alice’s What the F* is Hypnobirthing Podcast
Alice Butler on Instagram
S: Tell us a little about you!
A: Thank you so much for having me today among some really inspiring women! I’m currently engaged, but not married because i’m part of the Covid cancellations and a mom to an adorable 7 month old and i have Endometriosis. That is a chronic illness, it’s the tissue grows outside your womb and every month when you have your cycle, it fills with blood, it bursts and really really hurts and creates scar tissue. It can create a lot of issues too, but managing to stay positive and using it to be really determined, and not i’m in the early stages of starting a new business!
S: And what made you decide to quite your job and start your own business?
A: it was a big leap to quit my job, but I told myself i had to take action and quit. I wasn’t fulfilled and wanted to do more with my life. i spent a lot of my life asking what is my purpose. I kept asking myself this question.
In 2017 i moved to New Zealand, but at the time i wasn’t doing any self work- and i had that voice come in and in that time i had the time to slow down and it’s incredible, it’s slower paced. The result of the slow pace was i felt anxious- and i allowed myself to really feel empty and now it’s the best thing that could happen to me because i had a wake up call. I got a life-coach, read books, but i realized the purpose in my life is to be happy.
The key question then is what makes you happy? And that’s what i put my energy into. i have 5 core values in life and if i do things that fall within those values, i’m happy. One of those values is to run my own business.
I’m so passionate about knowledge in pregnancy and i started a podcast called “What the F is Hypnobirthing” and that podcast was really my learning curve. It’s much more about what i’ve learned and what i can do to help women create their own too. so that’s why i quit, i needed to take a leap.
Lean into anything that makes you happy- i used to think if i put energy into something i need the result usually monetary. But i really leaned into a passion projects. Now i have a platform that i can share all of these things with people!
S: Tell us about your business
A: it’s still in those early days, when i got pregnant i started putting the information. I’m producing a program that follows the couples journey becoming a parent. We all have the skills to have a empowered pregnancy and birth to be prepared for parenthood.
The program i’ll be delivering education about the whole thing- because really being informed about pregnancy and birth helps the positive experience. This is any kind of birth, because the key fundamentals- that’s what i want to teach. I’m super passionate about teaching and creating a diverse parents to be and new parents. And ever person is going through this experience. So a 6 week program virtually and face to face.
But i haven’t gotten a name for it yet- so follow me and message me a name for her business!
S: Will you talk more about endometriosis and how it’s impacted your life/choices/path?
A: It’s not just a physical experience or battle and the basics is it’s a very painful chronic illness but there’s so many things about it- the hardest part is really the mental experience you have. Endometriosis is really under-diagnosed. on average it takes 7 years to diagnose.
the only way to diagnose it is with surgery. So i really think my experience with this, but i was focusing on my mental side and not my body and i taught myself to ignore my body.
life isn’t over with Endometriosis. and it sounds dramatic, but when you first get diagnosed, and start searching for memes, pages, and comments- they’re all really negative. and don’t get me wrong, it is extremely painful but the message read to me is you have Endometriosis- your life is over. This community needs a positive voice and real voice.
S: advice for women who feel stuck with Endometriosis and then goals
A: Get informed- go follow pages that give information and statistics and advice because once you know a little more- it’s empowering and then you see the vastness of this disease. Make a list of your symptoms- make an Appt with you doctor and say straight forward say to them you’re quite sure you have it- i want to be tested for it.
Goal setting: i have 5 values- 1 is passion. I want to be passionate on a daily basis, it could be a walk or hike or being on a podcast. i want to make sure that value is filled in some way. i did it on a spreadsheet and it’s simply my 5 values and under it i have a long term goal for each value. like passion- allowing me to have my life i dreamed of. i have quarterly goals too. One of mine is business, then others is health, passion, space (be owner of multiple houses and outdoors)
S: any advice to get started on the thing that’s on their hearts?
A: One activity you can do is what do i enjoy talking about? Like a night in with a GF, what are you going to be talking about?
S: Resources for Endometriosis
A: Follow me on What the F is Endometriosis on Instagram and also the brief medical websites in your country and then follow accounts like Women’s Health and also a broad understanding of your health- ones that’ll touch on it, but a broader approach and also Dr. Libby. She’s a women’s health expert. She explains it clearly and gives practical everyday ideas. Have a look through accounts online and does it bring you joy too.
Follow Alice Above with all her fabulous links!
Thank you Alice so much for chatting, you’re so insightful and doing incredible positive things for women everywhere!