Creating profitable customer relationships with Ali Cudby

Creating profitable customer relationships with Ali Cudby

“As women life demands so much- building relationships sometimes are put on the sidelines so I’m here to help take that back because it’s so important to your success!”

Are you building a business and stuck on creating a network that encourages, helps you grow, and serves you as you serve them and finding YOUR people?

Amy Pocsik is the CEO and Founder of Bold Moves and Co-Founder of Women’s Business League-empowering women to build community around their brand.

Tune into our conversation about How to build an authentic network by activating your current network, stay informed on your networking why, the Give 30 strategy, join the Women’s business League, go to where your heart is, articulate what is your gift and what is your offer, and so much more through our conversation!

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Ali cubby is the CEO of align-mint growth strategies, top consultancy in customer retention, #1 best selling author of keep your customers- making her the go to expert for businesses aiming to forge enduring profitable customer relationships

I’ve been looking forward to our conversation today Ali so welcome to the shine podcast!

I want to jump right in to creating customer relationships and profitable ones-since it is what can keep us in business, keeps us going, and can be a path to other offers and repeat business so let’s get right to it!

First will you fill us in on your story about building customer loyalty, your business and book too!

What creates more profitable customers

Can we first define what an ideal client is?

Why is it important to get this down and not be for everyone?

How can we manage customer experience? (Making things auto- deliver things to help, feedback)

How can we attract our ideal customers

How do you suggest figuring out our ideal customers-

I know you talk often about keeping your customers and in fact your book is called Keep your customers! What are some things you see that would be easy to change to help returning customers vs those who purchase and don’t come back? Small tweaks that make a big impact?

So how can we turn those already ideal clients into MORE profit? Is there ways to communicate to upsell, offers, or returning clients?

Now let’s talk about the negative end- is there something you see often that you suggest not doing? I know for each business it’s completely different- but is there too much auto reminders/newsltters/communication or something too maybe re-think?

Is there anything on your heart lately that you want to share that keeps popping up for you either personal or business related?

How can we find you, follow you and get your book!