Human Design - What you are and what you are not with Leann Wolff

Human Design - What you are and what you are not with Leann Wolff

“Have you ever thought about WHY you think they way you do, why you might seem like there's more? We get into Human Design and the type you are by DESIGN- then getting self-aware in learning what you actually are and what you're not. We sometimes get stuck in that routine and end up taking paths just by default and there are ways to shift those mindsets and actions and that helps connect with what's valuable  in your life

Leann Wolff is a visionary Human Design Professional and BG5 Business & Career Consultant, renowned for her dynamic approach to living a self-actualized life within the bustling business world. With more than a decade of experience, Leann is a true trailblazer in guiding clients toward complete alignment with their business through the fusion of Human Design and Manifestation practices.

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So first I’d love to hear how you got here to be a vision and alignment coach and what that path looked like for you!

Something that sparked me is to get into the conversation of awareness of what is you and what is not you!

Often times- I think we just become who we are by friends/partner and interests and then the daily routines that become our lives- so how can we distinguish that?

I guess it even comes down to- are we self aware enough to recognize that first- because I’m sure there are people who just walk to through and think this is the way it is and this is who I am

Are there ways to change those things that ARE you- or HOW do we change things or shift things that are at the root of our minds/hearts-

Is there a way you like to give advice on finding the root of the issue- or finding WHY we think a certain way (about money, relationships, etc)

What are some habits that we might be interested in interjecting in our lives- that you suggest start making a part of the day- or ways to eliminate other habits with that replacement?

Is there a way to get to our superpowers- I believe we all have them- how do we find/use/ them?

How do we get some joy back or schedule in joy until it’s part of the day if we feel exhausted?

How can we find and follow you?