New Year, New No

New Year, New No

We hear about resolutions, saying YES to grab hold of opportunities but what about saying no to make room for the RIGHT yes? 

Often in the service industry we're "offered" an opportunity to give our service for free- very often with little to no ROI and it can be draining, leaving you with no time for the right yes- so here are some  tips i think through before saying YES and also what things i'll be saying yes to this year. 

The things i'll say no to so i feel confident in my decisions: tune in and let me know what you'll be saying NO to this year!

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I’ve thought about the first few years in business- saying yes, taking hold of opportunities, and just digging in to figure out what would work, what wouldn’t, and getting as much exposure as possible.

And I do want to say that I still do some sessions for free, I still do set up dream sessions that are on my dime, I still give sessions away for charities, and collaborate with companies and I still am always figuring out what works, how to grow, what doesn’t.. but after 14 years as a photographer and 6 years in this new location and now just depending on my business income to pay my bills.. I’m MUCH more aware of how saying no can now be as powerful as saying yes but that comes with AN IF before I say yes or no.

So here’s how I make the decision that I will feel confident in when saying NO to an opportunity.

Willing to stick with your plans

1- I have been much more clear with my free time since getting together with my now fiance- before I would change and alter my schedule to fit whoever was in need of my photography service- and there’s still a season for that- especially since I live in a tourist location for business- I am willing to be somewhat flexible- but NOT if I have that time already set in my calendar with something that’s personal and meaningful- If I have a day with my fiancé, family, or friend I had to learn to stand in my no- even when it feels like I could be missing out on money- and I still get it- saying no means saying no to bills feeling more comfortably paid- but I have a business to have more time, freedom, and calling the shots- and I used to NEVER say no if it interfered with my own plans.

Does it move your business forward

2- If the quote opportunity isn’t one that I’m now excited about, feels right, or isn’t actually and opportunity to move my business forward- odds are- I will say no. especially in the service industry- MANY people continually come to me offering an event for me to photograph for exposure.. and tell me how good it will be for my portfolio. After 14+ years in the business- my portfolio stands alone- (and yes I’m always adding to it, but it’s not from events I shoot for free- those aren’t portfolio worthy- and can you guess how much work I’ve gained for working for free for exposure? None. Not once did any person then come up to me and hire me after working for exposure. They already have it pegged as what the value is (0) since I worked for 0- and for me- that wasn’t my clientele anyway! So knowing if this actually is an opportunity to move my business forward with BUSINESS or with actual people you want to meet and be put in front of- in otherwords- are you gaining as much as you’re giving? Although you won’t ALWAYS be gaining0 after years in the business it’s on the forefront of how much free photoshoots I’ll do for absolutely no return on investment. (Shooting, blocking off time, editing, communication and my software)

3- does it take time away, money, and energy

If this opportunity immediately feels like dread- you’ll be driving, using gas, and time away from family and it’s not something you feel GOOD about losing- it probably isn’t right for you. I still have some projects I’m offered that I don’t CARE about the time- because it gives me energy- but there are some that take my energy right away

4- is it aligned with your business?

Often like I stated before- we’ll get these quote opportunities that no longer align with our ideal clients, ideal events, or projects that we feel were just giving to and not receiving- projects now selfishly have to feel like I’m gaining something (does’t have to be money, but energy, connection, creativity, or add to something I’ve wanted to try) and even some paid gigs- are not aligned with what I shoot- and as I’ve learned what I’m good at, what I can deliver on- and maybe someone else who will do what that client is looking for better.. it’s better to pass. It doesn’t align with my business to photograph newborns- it’s not my ideal client, I don’t have the studio or props or even the excitement for it! But there are some who excel!

5- follow your intution-

There were already a few above stating how you feel about the project matters. But as you learn how you feel about it- you’ll know it’s the right fit. I know if I immediately feel lack of energy, or honestly sometimes annoyed that someone would ask for a free shoot 3 hours away for exposure- I know I’m not going to show up 100% like I could for something else to take up on that time on that day- and give that to someone who is more excited. I have learned to lean heavily on my intuition and know what feels good for my business. I know if a project sounds exciting and something I’ve been wanting to try- I’m up for it! It’s taken quite a few years and following through and feeling drained and taken advantage of- that I know what kind of yes’s were the wrong ones and when I should say no.

OR if you want to serve

So let’s go back to why yes’s are important. They give you a ton of data especially right away- what excites you, what’s right, what you’re good at, ideal clients, what gets your clients, connecting with new people and new places, shooting in locations you might not have or having to stretch creatively and be flexible with changes- it might get you in rooms, in front of people and it absolutely can add to your portfolio AND it can give you confidence because you only gain that confidence with action first not action THEN confidence— I mean there’s even books about saying YES to chances- including the book the year of yes!- and I think it has such a great outlook that we need to say yes even when we’re scared and unsure- even if we don’t know the outcome-

What will I say YES to and make time for this year?

1- friends, family, my time - MAKING time for what I’ve always said is important but putting work ahead of scheduling time with loved ones.

2- projects that excite me- people that believe in me, and I them, and ones that help one another grow

3- designing new sets, and thinking of new projects to reach out to other collaborators with- always growing, and trying things to keep me fresh in the photography space.

4- growth. Whether it’s new mentors, friends, photography, podcasting- making time to say YES to growth whatever that may look like this year. Saying no doesn’t mean saying no to growth- it means growth in the right places- not just every place that asks.

5-mental health- whether it’s a day where I can give extra or a day I need off- saying yes to what I need so I can show up better and give more.

But this year- 2024- I’ve held a camera in my hand since college and I graduated in 2010 - I have better desernment about my time. When starting- time is all you can give to grow- in any way you can- but after a few years in business- I’m taking my time so that this year it’s not overwhelming yes’s it’s intentional yes’s and intentional no’s to give way to better more opportunity growth yes’s - the ones I wasn’t ready for back in 2010.

Time is the resource we can’t get back and I think if we take a hard look at our schedules, adding more to dos is overwhelming but saying no can leave room for bigger yes’s - more exciting, growth, fulfilling yes’s. Actually more scary ones- since now we have more room for the BIG yes- but I’m ready for that!