Top 12 books you need to read while in quarantine!

Top 12 Books for you and your passions during Quarantine!
All you fabulous- goal driven, passionate, tender-hearted women!- this post is for you. I wanted to give you my top 12 books for you during this time. Okay so i realize you probably can’t do all 12, but i’m telling you a little about each so read through what makes you excited to get your hands on! So grab a hold of if you can find a few minutes maybe feet up, with some coffee, in a quiet (or closet from kids) space during this Quarantine. Even though we all hope that it will get more calm in the next month or so, there’s no reason why you can’t purchase a few books that might excite you to push yourself in the best way! Not just for entrepreneurs BUT i’ll mark business books with this little guy here “**” if it’s geared towards women who want or own a business- otherwise these are for YOU. Are you ready to purchase a fab little book? click on the images below to get yours!
I know I know, I still sometimes judge books by the cover too, which is why I included the covers for you to click on and read ALLL about right on Amazon.
1- Daring Greatly. If you have spent ANY time on the davista website or my shine podcast, you’ve heard me (and some of my guests) talk about this amazing book. For both men and women, Brene Brown is an amazing researcher, writer, and has this way of grabbing your attention and your heart strings. She researches vulnerability and this is on my fave book list with no hesitation.
2- Smart Women Finish Rich. Don’t be fooled by the title, it’s not just for women who own businesses, it’s been financially savvy in any walk of life and i have to tell you.. it was what first jumped my LOVE of all things learning finances. it’s a fun and easy read with so much insight. Learn how to budget with a little or a LOT.
3-Get Rich Lucky Bitch!- yeah i don’t normally swear, but when a soft smile on the cover is swearing at me- i pick it up. It talks about releasing your money blocks in life and manifesting more. get ready for some kind but honest and unapologetic voices in your head!
4-Captivating- Yup this book again. It’s my go to, to read over and again, my healing heart book and they speak why your heart matters, your desires and longing still matters as a woman and this book will always remain special to me.
5- Don’t Forget Your Crown- Not my usual book, but followed the atuhor Derrick Jaxn for a while and had to get his book. He gives honest, loving, and insightful wisdom for women- and self love having to do with everything. A great book if you’ve ever or are currently going through heart ache- and putting the power if your hands.
6-Like She Owns the Place- My first read (but not my last!) from this author Cara Alwill Leyba. I saw her flashy pink hair and big attitude and i was drawn in. A chance to pick yourself up again and showing her own authentic vulnerable self to allow you to join in!
7-Secrets of a Six-Figure Woman- With so much information in the finance department, it can be difficult to pick up the right resources this one (and number 2 on my list) were ones i loved and made me motivated to learn more and take care of my money. Barbara Stanny talks about the traits and strategies.
8- Fear is My Homeboy- I saw this gorgeous pink and gold book recommended by another author and couldn’t wait to read it. With pages of notes i ended with, pushing past one of our biggest excuses .. Fear. Instead allowing it in as a way to light your path. She has a light hearted writing style, and i could barely put it down!
9- The Five Love Languages- This is a bit older (first read it in high school) but still relevant today! Not just for couples, but how the people around you feel and show love so you can identify it and learn how to show people in a real tangible way the way they communicate love. Learn YOURS too so people around you can learn how you communicate too.
10-The Confident Woman- Joyce Meyer has so many books out and another i love is Battlefield of the Mind, but when i first started reading, this was one of the early ones that i really “got” choosing to be a confident woman. more bible based, but beautiful words to inspire and encourage you!
11- Growing Influence- If you love fiction books, this book reads like a story all while a guide on leadership, growth, and influence really tugs at you and your gifts and passions. ** More geared towards women in business but not necessarily entrepreneurs.
12- Overcoming Underearning- you are worth more than what you’re making. A plan for a richer life and realizing the fear that controls steps, goals, and movement towards more. Barbara Stanny brings such thought-provoking words and loved it all! ** geared towards women in business.
If you’ve followed me for a while, you may have heard of some or even most of these… so my question for you is… so why haven’t you read any yet? We spend hours on our phones reading, watching, listening. Make a 15-20 dollar investment in YOU, your peace, heart, and gifts you were made to have and more importantly- gifts you were intentionally given to share with the world.
If you’ve read any of these, let me know some favorites and what you loved next! I go through quite a few books a year, and just making a few lists hopefully helps take out the ones i’m not AS crazy about.
Happy Reading!
Keep Shining