Giving myself Permission to add to the conversation
I stopped the personal posts for a while. Not because I didn’t have anything to say.. as if that could ever happen. But I had to rearrange my mindset. In the midst of the many changes going on here in Panama City Beach both personal and professionally, it took a toll on my mind. I had to get back to the place where I gave myself permission to add to the conversation again. Of all the advice and opinions from experience, books, and growth I started to lose the permission I gave myself to give advice to you. I recently read a little quote “i’m a contributor not a guru” and in its simplicity I felt compelled to write again. I felt ABLE to write again. 31, divorced, no kids, I may not have some of the same experiences. But moving across country alone, starting over, confidence, finances, business building, self-worth, and LOTS of learning has given me insight that for some reason I took away from myself. I may not be taking the same path as you (but man all of our lives are vastly different anyway!) and I really do love the life i’m designing.. yes DESIGNING myself. I have four jobs and building a business and a name here in a new place, but today on my lunch break I went out to the pool. It’s those small things that I always wanted. It’s not at all how I imagined it, it’s better. Currently sitting in my big comfy bed in between other work tasks, and so incredibly thankful that I can sit here and say the difficulties lead me where I am, and i’m happy.
We can all love our lives. isn’t it wonderful that each of us can have a little secret of happiness that the life we’re living is the one for us. I love where I am, what i’m doing, and although it’s been difficult, i’m giving myself permission again to add to the conversation. I have a lot more to learn, but these past few years have filled me with a lot of knowledge and experience.
Secret to success no matter what it is?- it’s mindset. You may have difficult days, hard months, or even years. But your mindset will push you through. “Fear is normal, understandable and inevitable.. but it’s not a good excuse to stop pursing your designed life.” (Denise Duffiled- Thomas)
Keep Shining
Shanna Star