The Impact You Can Make
You Have the ability right now to make an impact on the people around you-
What kind of impact do you want you or your business to have on people? If i could really narrow it down- i want my business to change women’s minds on money, success, and confidence. Especially on Instagram i give tid bits of advice and although i’m still learning- my shelves of books, endless journals, conferences, relationships, and hard work have lead me to some knowledge and insight that i want to always give back and share. So although ill always continue for more education and digging deeper, i’m finally gaining the understanding that even where i’m at i have something to help heal people too. And for me, that’s been absolutely refreshing. I don’t have to be 75 with a life filled of experiences to make an impact, i can start now and by now i mean.. about 5 years ago when i started making these goals for my business and personal life.
In all of this to say, we all have something to offer and we can always learn something from each person we come across. Be quick to listen to their story, absorb their information and if they’re wanting and able to absorb what you have to offer, give back as much as possible.
my areas of impacting men and women?- it comes from my experiences and passions in life. We don’t have to be stuck where we are with money, success means more than just climbing a corporate ladder, and if you have the confidence- you’ll have exactly what you need to design your life, money, and success. You need only to figure out what a dream life looks like, and day by day, habit by habit, make it happen. It’s absolutely in the daily baby steps to achieve those goals you have. Many more details on how to make that happen to come.
Today, start with purchasing a journal that you love. whether that means cheap, bound leather, girly, an inspiring quote etc. Then open it up and take some sticky notes- one write down goals for the year, one sticky note with goals for long term. one for how much per month you’ll put in a savings account (please refer to my Instagram under tips for that) and if you have a small business that’s not quite up and paying you regularly- get a sticky note for how much you’re paying yourself each month. and one more for donations towards a church or something you believe in (currently mine’s a dog shelter i volunteered at). Each time you open that journal, take a second to look at the things you want for your life and what you’re doing to help in the meantime, a reminder to change daily habits to do things FOR those goals.
“it’s the first step, getting out the door- that’s the toughest. if you can do that, you’ve already won.”
Keep Shining
Shanna Star
Few books I recommend! please click on these links so I know if they’re helpful for you!