Stepping in front of the lens

Stepping in front of the lens
I come across more than a hand-full of photographers who preach about getting in front of the camera but rarely if ever- do it themselves. It’s become a necessity for me a couple times a year to step in front of other photographer’s camrea’s and my own for self portraits. it’s a completely different experience, and as someone who likes complete control (ya know that’s why i’m usually BEHIND the camera) this was something i was uncomfortable with for a while, but i did it anyway. I don’t do it just for content and definitely not for attention. I do it for me. i do it for confidence, to understand my clients, to show women it’s okay- i do it too and it’s important, to show all sorts of options for sexy photos whether it’s dresses, lingerie, swimsuits, sportswear or like the ones below a sexy pair of jeans; to connect with other creatives, and to learn something new about my craft- as there’s always something i can add to my knowledge in the business. i’m sharing these two photographers work too. i LOVE working with people in my industry and so thankful for the bits of confidence it adds!
I want to give you some encouragement today- that you are enough exactly where you are in life and you already have what it takes to jump into that next goal or dream. I love being behind the lens but being in front helps me appreciate me as a woman too and give myself the boost that i too am enough- and i hope you hold tight today onto the words that you are capable, brave, and significant even when it feels like you’re not. even if it’s just getting in front of the camera to see yourself differently. And i sincerely hope you do.
First set by Renaldo by Black Tie Photography (click on the external link to find him on instagram)
Second set by Jared of Jared Elliott Photography (click this link to go to his instagram too)
Keep Shining